Sunday, 10 April 2022

A couple of brief visits over the weekend where I managed to add a couple of year ticks which included a smart singing Firecrest (83) and a single Swallow (84). This was only my second Firecrest seen at Nethergong in about 6 years so I spent some time watching it and trying to capture a few images. A tough test as it was continuously on the move and sometimes in sun and sometimes in shade. Not the best images at all but at least I have a few memories of this somewhat rare occasion here. Other birds seen over the weekend included 1 Red Kite west, 2 male Marsh Harrier, 5 Common Buzzard, 1 Raven, 7 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap, 1 Great spotted Woodpecker, 3 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Greylag Geese, 1 Mistle Thrush, 2 Yellowhammer, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Grey Heron, 2 Skylark, 3 Linnet, 4 Bullfinch, 2 Reed Bunting, 1 Snipe, 1 Coot and 1 Green Woodpecker. A search of likely areas for Ring Ouzel proved negative and 'nocmig' recordings have been pretty quiet with Barn and Tawny Owl noted plus the odd Redwing. Hopefully the next few weeks will deliver a few new migrants.  




1 comment:

  1. Excellent job with the Firecrest, Marc. Not an easy bird to find, although they do seem to hang around once they've been found, and never an easy bird to photograph either as, like you say, they're always on the move and usually in twiggy bushes.

    Best wishes - - - Richard
