Monday 9 August 2021

Whilst I have mostly been involved with the dragonflies and damselflies of late, I have been constantly keeping my eye out for the birds at Nethergong. Having said that, it's been fairly quiet but I did add a new bird to the year list a few weeks ago when as I was sat in the car as it poured down one morning, I noticed a small duck fly by quite low which looked like it was coming into land. Despite the rain, I went in search but failed to find anything. Later that morning after the rain, I was again walking around and noticed some movement in the dyke below. Raising my binoculars, I could see 5 fluffy chocolate brown ducklings which were regularly diving. They were Tufted Ducks (115). They continued to dive before moving off into the reeds. Fast forward to yesterday (Sunday) when as I was photographing damselflies at sunrise, I caught the sound of a Tufted Duck calling. I looked down the dyke but could see nothing but with reeds overhanging both sides, I was sure they was there. I quietly walked down the path until I could indeed see a female Tufted Duck with her 5 ducklings. A species i thought I might not see this year but they have obviously bred nearby in the dyke somewhere. Other birds of note lately have included 1 Kingfisher, 1 Peregrine, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 summer plumaged Golden Plover and plenty of fledged young birds around the site. I have continued to record at night as often as I can which has been generally quiet but in the past few weeks I have recorded a few vocal Barn Owls, 2 Water Rail, 1 Tawny Owl and 1 Oystercatcher. Hopefully in a few weeks time when the waders start moving, I may get lucky with a few bonus species passing through. 

Female Tufted Duck

 5 Tufted Duck ducklings

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